Brooklyn Raga Massive


Brooklyn Raga Massive is a 501c3 charitable organization and a platform for all lovers of Raga music, both listeners and artists, to feel the pulse of NYC’s live Indian Classical music scene. 

BRM officially became a non-profit in the summer of 2015. However, it’s first seeds as a humble music collective began in 2012 in a Prospect Heights dive bar with a Weekly Concert Series and Jam Session, featuring traditional and raga-inspired music followed by an open jam session. Over the years, this ongoing weekly event has helped to cultivate a vibrant community of musicians and music lovers, all while embracing new artists and opening doors for cross-cultural collaboration reflective of the current Brooklyn musical landscape. The inclusive and spontaneous nature of BRM's weekly jam session has not only built a strong community, but has also become an incubator of new music collaborations and genres of music indigenous to Brooklyn.

BRM produces over 70 events each year including the weekly concert series and other performances. BRM has received enthusiastic support from premier presenting organizations  and venues such as World Music Institute, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, MOMA, The Met, India Center Foundation, Brooklyn Arts Museum, Celebrate Brooklyn, BRIC, Jazz Gallery, Pioneer Works, Joe’s Pub, Shapeshifter, The Rubin Museum, Yerba Buena Gardens, Seattle Town Hall, and more. In addition, Brooklyn Raga Massive is a co-producer of the Ragas Live festival, a 24-hour NYC annual music festival featuring Indian classical and Raga inspired music for a live audience broadcast live throughout NYC on 89.9 FM-NY radio and internationally via With a strong community of music lovers and talented musicians, BRM is a respected presenter of both traditional raga music as well as cross-cultural contemporary projects.

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