Indie Roundup | 42 Songs To Make You Glad You’re Alive This Tuesday (Part 1)

By Darryl Sterdan

16 | Late Aster | A Minor Fantasy

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “San Francisco Bay Area/Brooklyn quartet Late Aster have released the single A Minor Fantasy and announced their debut EP True and Toxic, which comes out May 21. Aaron Messing stated, “This song is inspired by a Shostakovich piano prelude I listened to for years before attempting to learn. I thought the way the piece moves through the harmony would suit it well for an additional melody on top, which became the vocal melody. The prelude is in the key of A minor, which I eventually used as the name of the song, both because it describes the piece musically but also because read literally, it actually describes the meaning behind the words of the song: A dream-like state that is simultaneously exciting and ominous.”